Kickoff Meeting of the Project Held in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The kickoff meeting of the Project titled “Distributed and Cloud-based Network Defense System for NRENs” was held at IICT, BUET on 3rd – 4th September, 2018. Honourable Vice Chancellor of BUET Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam was present in the opening ceremony of the meeting held on 3rd September as the Chief Guest. In the opening ceremony, Dr. Wan Tat Chee from USM was the Special Guest and Prof. Dr. Md Saiful Islam from IICT, BUET was the Chairman.

During the 2-day event, the collaborators discussed different issues, challenges and upcoming events of under the scope of the project.

This meeting has received funding from Asi@Connect project which is the European Union co-funding project under Grant contract ACA 2016-376-562.

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